[Cooper Bussmann, Inc.]
General Information
Cooper Bussmann offers a full line of ferrule style (cylindrical clip-mounted) fuses, designed and tested to meet standards and requirements in various locations around the world. Their unique design and construction provide:
• Superior cycling capability
• Low energy let-through (I2t)
Ferrule fuses provide an excellent solution for small UPS, small ac drives and other low power applications where space is at a premium.
Voltage Rating
All Cooper Bussmann ferrule fuses — except 690V — have been tested at their rated voltage. The 690V ferrule fuse has been tested to the IEC 60269 standard, which requires clearing at the rated voltage +5%.
Ferrule fuses may be mounted in fuseclips, fuse holders, fuse blocks or fused switches. A variety of products are available. Please consult Cooper Bussmann Application Engineering to discuss your requirement.