Fairchild Semiconductor
FIS1100 is the world‟s first complete consumer 6D MEMS Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) with sensor fusion to specify system level orientation accuracy. When using the FIS1100 in combination with the supplied XKF3 9D sensor fusion, the system features an accurate ±3° pitch and roll orientation, and a ±5° yaw/heading typical specification.
■ World‟s First Complete Consumer Inertial
Measurement Unit (IMU) with Sensor Fusion
Library to Specify Orientation Accuracy: ±3º Pitch
and Roll, ±5º Yaw/Heading
■ 3-Axis Gyroscope and 3-Axis Accelerometer in a
Small 3.3 x 3.3 x 1 mm LGA Package
■ Integrated AttitudeEngineTM Motion Co-processor
with Vector DSP Performs Sensor Fusion at 1 kHz
Sampling Rate, while Outputting Data to Host
Processor at a Lower Rate – Improving Accuracy
while Reducing Processor MIPS, Power, and
Interrupt Requirements
■ High-Performance XKF3 6/9-Axis Sensor Fusion
with in-Run Calibration for Correction of Gyro Bias
Drift Over Temperature and Lifetime
■ Low Latency, Wide Bandwidth, Low Noise OIS
Mode for Camera and Drone Gimbal Stabilization
■ Low Noise 50 g/√Hz Accelerometer and
10 mdps/√Hz Gyroscope
■ New Motion on Demand Technology for Polling
Based Synchronization
■ Large 1536 Byte FIFO can be used to Buffer 9DOF
Sensor Data to Lower System Power Dissipation
■ Large Dynamic Range from ±32°/s to ±2,560°/s
and ±2 g to ±8 g
■ Low Power and Warm-Start Modes for Effective
Power Management
■ Digitally Programmable Sampling Rate and Filters
■ Host Serial Interface Supporting I2C or SPI
■ I2C Master for Interfacing External Magnetometer
■ Embedded Temperature Sensor
■ Wide Extended Operating Temperature Range
(-40°C to 85°C)
■ Drone Flight Control and Gimbal Stabilization
■ Optical Image Stabilization (OIS) and Electrical
Image Stabilization (EIS)
■ Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality
■ Robotic Orientation and Position Tracking
■ Sport & Fitness Wearables
■ Pedestrian Navigation and GNSS Augmentation