Cirrus Logic
The EV-2 provides a means of evaluating the CM-1 or CM-2 CobraNet™ Modules and the Cirrus Logic CobraNet Silicon Series of devices. In addition to evaluating the CM-1 or CM-2 (hereafter collectively referred to as the CM except where differences between the CM-1 and CM-2 exist), the user may also use the EV-2 as a development platform and as an example interface for CMs, the Cobranet Silicon Series, and other CobraNet related projects. The EV-2 connects to the CM via the modules host interface. An 8051-type microcontroller interfaces to the CMs host port, and a simple audio router on the EV-2 allows multiple audio inputs and outputs to connect to the CMs serial audio interface. The EV-2 software provides a simple interface for audio routing on the EV-2, as well as development support.
• Analog audio I/O: Two channels of analog audio input converted to high quality, 24-bit, 48 kHz or 96 kHz digital audio. Two channels of 24-bit, 48 kHz or 96 kHz digital audio converted to high quality, analog audio output. Refer to Appendix B for audio I/O specifications.
• Digital audio I/O: One stream of AES3 input and one stream of AES3 output. An AES3 stream is two channels of digital audio. The AES3 input stream is sample rate converted.
• 8051-type microcontroller: 64kB on-chip Flash Program Memory, 1kB internal SRAM, 32kB external SRAM and in-system programmability.
• Field programmability: The supplied EV-2 software provides a means to reprogram EV-2 microcontroller firmware for field upgrades or user development.
• RS232 Interfaces: Two RS232 interfaces, one direct to the CM and another to the microcontroller.
• Routing flexibility: Route from any audio source to any audio sink using the supplied EV-2 software. Route to and from the CM as well as within the EV-2.
• Sine wave generation: A sine wave test tone may be used as an alternate audio source. Minimal frequency and gain control is provided.
• Hex switches: Four hex formatted switches may be used for network identification of the CobraNet module and/or user development.
• Command line interface: The 8051, via its RS232 serial interface, can be used to configure the CM using a command line interface.Cobranet HMI variables can be viewed and modified using this interface. Refer to Appendix E for a description of the Command line interface.
• LED display: Three LED indicators are provided and may be used for user development.
• Power supply: Uses standard computer ATX power supply (not included).