Elm Electronics
Many modern control circuits use the value from a digital counter to directly determine a setting or position. Manipulating this value under computer control is not difficult, but when one has to interface with a human operator, several other factors must be considered. Human interfaces often require that the circuit respond to changes in a setting – up or down, left or right, clockwise or counterclockwise. These controls need a simple interface, which the ELM415 provides.
• Low power CMOS design – typically 1mA at 5V
• Wide supply range – 3.0 to 5.5 volt operation
• Fully debounced switch inputs
• Internal pullup resistors provided
• Protection from simultaneous key presses
• High current drive outputs – up to 25 mA
• User selectable automatic repeat function
• Selectable Count output polarity
• Digital audio potentiometer controls
• Variable voltage or temperature circuits
• Motor positioning controls
• Single-stepping control circuits
• Reset circuits