The EL2071 and EL2171 are wide bandwidth, fast settling monolithic amplifiers built using an advanced complementary bipolar process. The EL2071 has a disable/enable feature which allows power down and analog multiplexing. These amplifiers use current-mode feedback to achieve more bandwidth at a given gain than conventional operational amplifiers. Designed for closed-loop gains of ±7 to ±50, the EL2071 and EL2171 have a 150MHz - 3dB bandwidth (AV = +20), and 2.5ns rise/fall time, while consuming only 15mA of supply current. The EL2071 consumes only 1.5mA when disabled.
• 150MHz - 3dB bandwidth, AV = 20
• 10ns settling to 0.1%
• VS = ±5V @ 15mA
• 2.5ns rise/fall times (2V step)
• Overload/short-circuit protected
• ±7 to ±50 closed-loop gain range
• Low cost
• EL2171 is direct replacement for CLC401
• Disable capability on EL2071
• Line drivers
• DC-coupled log amplifiers
• High-speed modems, radios
• High-speed A/D conversion
• D/A I-V conversion
• Photodiode, CCD preamps
• IF processors
• High-speed communications
• Analog multiplexing (using disable—EL2071)
• Power down mode (using disable—EL2071)