Dallas Semiconductor -> Maxim Integrated
The DS89C430, DS89C440, and DS89C450 offer the highest performance available in 8051-compatible microcontrollers. They feature newly designed processor cores that execute instructions up to 12 times faster than the original 8051 at the same crystal speed. Typical applications will experience a speed improvement up to 10x. At 1 million instructions per second (MIPS) per megahertz, the microcontrollers achieve 33 MIPS performance from a maximum 33MHz clock rate.
■ High-Speed 8051 Architecture
One Clock-Per-Machine Cycle
DC to 33MHz Operation
Single Cycle Instruction in 30ns
Optional Variable Length MOVX to Access
Fast/Slow Peripherals
Dual Data Pointers with Automatic
Increment/Decrement and Toggle Select
Supports Four Paged Memory-Access Modes
■ On-Chip Memory
16kB/32kB/64kB Flash Memory
In-Application Programmable
In-System Programmable Through Serial Port
■ 80C52 Compatible
8051 Pin and Instruction Set Compatible
Four Bidirectional, 8-Bit I/O Ports
Three 16-Bit Timer Counters
256 Bytes Scratchpad RAM
■ Power-Management Mode
Programmable Clock Divider
Automatic Hardware and Software Exit
■ ROMSIZE Feature
Selects Internal Program Memory Size from
0 to 64kB
Allows Access to Entire External Memory Map
Dynamically Adjustable by Software
■ Peripheral Features
Two Full-Duplex Serial Ports
Programmable Watchdog Timer
13 Interrupt Sources (Six External)
Five Levels of Interrupt Priority
Power-Fail Reset
Early Warning Power-Fail Interrupt
Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) Reduction
Data Logging
White Goods
Motor Control
Magstripe Reader/Scanner
Gaming Equipment
Building Energy Control and Management
Programmable Logic Controllers
Uninterruptible Power Supplies
Building Security and Door Access Control
Automotive Text Equipment
Consumer Electronics
Industrial Control and Automation