Maxim Integrated
The DS2740 provides high-precision current-flow measurement data to support battery-capacity monitoring in cost-sensitive applications. Current is measured bidirectionally over a dynamic range of 15 bits (DS2740U) or 13 bits (DS2740UB), with the net flow accumulated in a separate 16-bit register. Through its 1-Wire interface, the DS2740 allows the host system read/write access to status and current measurement registers. Each device has a unique factory-programmed 64-bit net address that allows it to be individually addressed by the host system, supporting multibattery slot operation. The interface can be operated with standard or overdrive timing.
■ 15-Bit Bidirectional Current Measurement (DS2740)
■ 1.56μV LSB and ±51.2mV Dynamic Range
■ 78μA LSB and ±2.56A Dynamic Range with External 20mΩ Sense Resistor (RSNS)
■ 156μA LSB and ±5.12A Dynamic Range with External 10mΩ Sense Resistor (RSNS)
■ 13-Bit Bidirectional Current Measurement (DS2740B)
■ 6.25μV LSB and ±51.2mV Dynamic Range
■ 312μA LSB and ±2.56A Dynamic Range with External 20mΩ Sense Resistor (RSNS)
■ 625μA LSB and ±5.12A Dynamic Range with External 10mΩ Sense Resistor (RSNS)
■ Analog Input Filter (IS1, IS2) Extends Dynamic Range for Pulse-Load Applications
■ Current Accumulation Register Resolution
■ 6.25μVhr (Both DS2740 and DS2740B)
■ 0.3125mAhr with External 20mΩ RSNS
■ 0.6250mAhr with External 10mΩ RSNS
■ Dallas 1-Wire® Interface
■ Unique 64-Bit Device Address
■ Standard and Overdrive Timings (OVD)
■ Low Power Consumption:
■ Active Current: 65μA max
■ Sleep Current: 1μA max