Dallas Semiconductor -> Maxim Integrated
The DS1615 is an integrated temperature recorder that combines a real time clock with temperature data logging and histogram capabilities. It has been designed for applications that require temperature profiling over a given period of time. A programmable sampling rate feature makes the device ideal for applications requiring temperature monitoring over short or long time frames. The integrated Real Time Clock (RTC) provides seconds, minutes, hours, day, date, month, and year information with leap year compensation and also provides an alarm interrupt. Temperature measurement is provided via integrated thermal technology which can measure temperatures from -40°C to +85°C in 0.5°C increments.
■ Digital thermometer measures temperature -40°C to +85°C in 0.5°C increments (-40°F to +183.2°F in 0.9°F increments)
■ Digital thermometer provides ±2°C accuracy
■ Real Time Clock/Calendar in BCD format counts seconds, minutes, hours, date, month, day of the week, and year with leap year compensation (Y2K compatible)
■ Automatically wakes up and measures temperature at user-programmable intervals from 1 to 255 minutes
■ Logs up to 2048 consecutive temperature measurements in read-only nonvolatile memory
■ Records long-term temperature histogram in 63 bins with 2.0°C resolution
■ Programmable temperature-high and temperature-low alarm trip points
■ Two serial interface options: synchronous and
■ asynchronous
- 3-wire synchronous serial interface
- Asynchronous serial interface compatible with standard UARTs
■ Memory partitioned into 32-byte pages for packetizing data
■ On-chip 16-bit CRC generator to safeguard data read operations in asynchronous communications mode
■ Unique, factory lasered and tested 64-bit serial number