The DLR/DLO/DLG1414 is a four digit 5 x 7 dot matrix display module with a built-in CMOS integrated circuit.
The integrated circuit contains memory, ASCII ROM decoder, multiplex circuitry and drivers. Data entry is asynchronous and random. A display system can be built using any number of DLX1414s since each character in any DLX1414 can be addressed independently and will continue to display the character last stored until replaced by another.
System interconnection is very straightforward. The least significant two address bits (A0, A1) are normally connected to the like named inputs of all displays in the system. Data lines are connected to all DLX1414s directly and in parallel as is the write line (WR). The display then will behave as a write only memory.
The DLX1414 has several features superior to competitive devices. The character set consists of 128 special ASCII characters for English, German, Italian, Swedish, Danish, and Norwegian.
• 0.145" High, Dot Matrix Character
• 128 Special ASCII Characters for English, German,
Italian, Swedish, Danish, and Norwegian Languages
• Wide Viewing Angle: X Axis ±50°, Y Axis ±75°
• Close Vertical Row Spacing, 0.800" Centers
• Fast Access Time, 110 ns at 25°C
• Compact Size for Hand Held Equipment
• Built-in Memory
• Built-in Character Generator
Built-in Multiplex and LED Drive Circuitry
• Direct Access to Each Digit Independently and Asyn chronously
• TTL Compatible, 5.0 Volt Power
• Low Power Consumption, 20 mA per Character Typical
• Intensity Coded for Display Uniformity
• Extended Operating Temperature Range: –40°C to +85°C
• End Stackable, 4-Character Package