Cypress Semiconductor
PSoC™ Functional Overview
The PSoC™ family consists of many Mixed Signal Array with On-Chip Controllerdevices. These devices are designed to replace multiple traditional MCU-based system components with one, low cost single-chip programmable device.
■ Powerful Harvard Architecture Processor
❐ M8C Processor Speeds to 24 MHz
❐ Two 8x8 Multiply, 32-Bit Accumulate
❐ Low Power at High Speed
❐ 3.0 to 5.25 V Operating Voltage
❐ Operating Voltages Down to 1.0V Using On Chip Switch Mode Pump (SMP)
❐ Industrial Temperature Range: -40°C to +85°C
■ Advanced Peripherals (PSoC Blocks)
❐ 12 Rail-to-Rail Analog PSoC Blocks Provide:
- Up to 14-Bit ADCs
- Up to 9-Bit DACs
- Programmable Gain Amplifiers
- Programmable Filters and Comparators
❐ 8 Digital PSoC Blocks Provide:
- 8- to 32-Bit Timers, Counters, and PWMs
- CRC and PRS Modules
- Up to 2 Full-Duplex UARTs
- Multiple SPIMasters or Slaves
- Connectable to all GPIO Pins
❐ Complex Peripherals by Combining Blocks
■ Precision, Programmable Clocking
❐ Internal ±2.5% 24/48 MHz Oscillator
❐ 24/48 MHz with Optional 32.768 kHz Crystal
❐ Optional External Oscillator, up to 24 MHz
❐ Internal Oscillator for Watchdog and Sleep
■ Flexible On-Chip Memory
❐ 32K Bytes Flash Program Storage 50,000 Erase/Write Cycles
❐ 1K Bytes SRAM Data Storage
❐ In-System Serial Programming (ISSP)
❐ Partial Flash Updates
❐ Flexible Protection Modes
❐ EEPROM Emulation in Flash
■ Programmable Pin Configurations
❐ 25 mA Sink on all GPIO
❐ Pull up, Pull down, High Z, Strong, or Open Drain Drive Modes on all GPIO
❐ Up to 12 Analog Inputs on GPIO
❐ Four 40 mA Analog Outputs on GPIO
❐ Configurable Interrupt on all GPIO
■ Additional System Resources
❐ I2CSlave, Master, and Multi-Master to 400 kHz
❐ Watchdog and Sleep Timers
❐ User-Configurable Low Voltage Detection
❐ Integrated Supervisory Circuit
❐ On-Chip Precision Voltage Reference
■ Complete Development Tools
❐ Free Development Software (PSoC™ Designer)
❐ Full-Featured, In-Circuit Emulator and Programmer
❐ Full Speed Emulation
❐ Complex Breakpoint Structure
❐ 128K Bytes Trace Memory
❐ Complex Events
❐ C Compilers, Assembler, and Linker