Cherry semiconductor
The CS8128 contains all the necessary control circuitry to implement a 5V linear regulator. An external pass device is used to produce superior performance compared to conventional monolithic regulators. The CS8128 with a TIP42 PNP transistor typically provides a 100mV dropout voltage at 500mA, increasing to 350mV at 3A. Quiescent current at 500mA is only 5mA.
Monolithic regulators cannot approach these figures because their power transistors do not provide the high beta and excellent saturation characteristics at high currents. The CS8128 is compatible with a wide variety of external transistors, allowing flexibility for thermal, space, and cost management.
The CS8128 includes thermal shutdown and externally programmable current limit and over-voltage shutdown, making it suitable for use in automotive and switching regulator post regulator applications. An optional external RC filter added to the CS8128 supply lead provides EMC hardening in addition to the on-chip EMC hardening. The SENSE lead allows remote sensing of the output voltage for improved regulation.
■ Externally Set Delay for Reset
■ 60V Load Dump Protection
■ Internal Thermal Overload Protection
■ 3% Output Accuracy
■ Active RESET
■ Noise Immunity
■ On Chip EMC Hardening Protection Incorporated
■ Externally Set Current Limit
■ Externally Set Overvoltage Shutdown