Cirrus Logic
The CS4360 is a complete 6-channel digital-to-analog system including digital interpolation, fourth-order delta-sigma digital-to-analog conversion, digital de-emphasis, volume control, channel mixing and analog filtering. The advantages of this architecture include: ideal differential linearity, no distortion mechanisms due to resistor matching errors, no linearity drift over time and temperature, and a high tolerance to clock jitter.
The CS4360 accepts data at audio sample rates from 4 kHz to 200 kHz, consumes very little power, and operates over a wide power supply range. These features are ideal for cost-sensitive, multi-channel audio systems in cluding DVD players, A/V receivers, set-top boxes, digital TVs and VCRs, mini-component systems, and mixing consoles.
● 24-bit Conversion
● 102 dB Dynamic Range
● -91 dB THD+N
● Low Clock Jitter Sensitivity
● Digital Volume Control with Soft Ramp
– 119 dB Attenuation
– 1-dB Step Size
– Zero Crossing Click-Free Transitions
● ATAPI Mixing
● Logic Levels Between 5.0 V and 1.8 V
● +3.3 V or +5 V Analog Power Supply
● 116 mW with 3.3 V Supply
● Popguard Technology® for Control of Clicks and Pops