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CHA2291 数据手册 ( 数据表 ) - United Monolithic Semiconductors

United Monolithic Semiconductors
The CHA2291 is a high gain four-stage monolithic low noise amplifier with variable gain. It is designed for a wide range of applications, from military to commercial communication systems.The backside of the chip is both RF and DC grounded. This helps simplify the assembly process.
Main Features
• Frequency range : 10-18GHz
• 2.2dB Noise Figure.
• 23dB gain
• Gain control range: 20dB
• DC power consumption: 180mA @ 5V
• Chip size : 2.49 X 1.23 X 0.10 mm
10-18GHz Low Noise, Variable Gain Amplifier
United Monolithic Semiconductors
Variable Gain Low Noise Amplifier
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