The CA3086 consists of five general-purpose silicon NPN transistors on a common monolithic substrate. Two of the transistors are internally connected to form a differentially connected pair.
The transistors of the CA3086 are well suited to a wide variety of applications in low-power systems at frequencies from DC to 120MHz. They may be used as discrete transistors in conventional circuits. However, they also provide the very significant inherent advantages unique to integrated circuits, such as compactness, ease of physical handling and thermal matching
• Three Isolated Transistors and One Differentially
Connected Transistor Pair For Low-Power Applications
from DC to 120MHz
• General-Purpose Use in Signal Processing Systems
Operating in the DC to 190MHz Range
• Temperature Compensated Amplifiers
• See Application Note, AN5296 “Application of the
CA3018 Integrated-Circuit Transistor Array” for
Suggested Applications