The CA3078 and CA3078A are high gain monolithic operational amplifiers which can deliver milliamperes of current yet only consume microwatts of standby power. Their operating points are externally adjustable and frequency compensation may be accomplished with one external capacitor. The CA3078 and CA3078A provide the designer with the opportunity to tailor the frequency response and improve the slew rate without sacrificing power. Operation with a single 1.5V battery is a practical reality with these devices.
• LowStandbyPower ...............AsLowAs700nW
• WideSupplyVoltageRange .......... ±0.75Vto±15V
• HighPeakOutputCurrent...............6.5mA(Min)
• AdjustableQuiescentCurrent
• OutputShortCircuitProtection
• PortableElectronics
• IntrusionAlarms
• Telemetry
• Instrumentation
• MedicalElectronics