Hamamatsu Photonics
The C2741-32A, -35A cameras are designed specifically for imaging at ultra-low light levels. Each camera consists
of an image intensifier including a 1 stage MCP and CCD camera coupled with a relay lens.
Single photon counting is possible due to superior per formance as compared to conventional ICCD Cameras,
for example:
1. Higher gain ................ about 10 times higher
2. Lower dark noise ....... about 1/10 lower : using bialkali photocathode
•High spatial resolution
(Typical horizontal center resolution)
450 TV lines (C2741-32A)
370 TV lines (C2741-35A)
•Low geometric distortion
Max 2% within inscribed circle
•High sensitivity
Single photon counting is possible
•Wide effective scanning area
approx. 19.0 mm (H)×14.2 mm (V) (C2741-32A)
approx. 12.7 mm (H)×9.5 mm (V) (C2741-35A)
The cameras can be used for luminescence and fluores cence applications in a macroscopic or microscopic imaging system set up.
• Gene expression experiments
• Colony screening
• Detection of gels and blots
• Enzyme lmmunoassay
• Phagocytosis
• DNA hybridization