austriamicrosystems AG
General Description
The AS3953 NFC interface IC (NFiC) delivers low cost, ultra low power NFC forum functionality to multiple different applications. The AS3953 is a analog front-end with integrated 14443A data framing and SPI interface. It is designed to create a fast data link between an ISO 14443A reader device (PCD) and a microcontroller. The AS3953 is Passively powered meaning that it can be supplied from the PCD magnetic field, eliminating the need of a continual external supply. This makes the AS3953 perfect for wireless communication to a lowpower battery powered device.
◾ ISO 14443A compliant to Level-4
◾ NFCIP-1 target at 106 kb/s
◾ 1k bit EEPROM (928 bits of user memory)
◾ Configurable wake-up interrupt (after tag is selected or using
proprietary command)
◾ Powered from external magnetic field with the possibility to
draw up to 5mA
◾ 7 byte UID
◾ User configurable regulated voltage extracted from external
magnetic field
◾ Bit rates from 106 Kbps till 848 Kbps
◾ Integrated resonant capacitor
◾ Integrated buffer capacitor
◾ 4-wire Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) with 32 byte FIFO
◾ Wide SPI power supply range (1.65V to 3.6V)
◾ Wide temperature range: -40ºC to 85ºC
◾ Available as WLCSP 10-bumps (Future delivery options: 10-pin
MLPD (3x3mm) and Gold bumped dies)
The device is ideal for applications like Passive wake-up, Multipurpose HF interface to a controller, Low power or passive programming, Ultra Low Power Data Logger, RFID Programmable configuration EEPROM, ISO 14443A smart card, NFC Forum Tag Type 4, and Bluetooth and Wi-Fi pairing.