austriamicrosystems AG
General Description
The AS1330 is a synchronous, low voltage, high efficiency DC-DC boost converter running at a constant frequency of 4MHz. This very high oscillator frequency allows the usage of a very a small and low profile inductor with only 470nH. This results in a board space requirement of only 43mm² for the complete solutions including all external components.
AS1330 generates an output voltage between 1.8 and 3.3V from input voltages down to 0.6V. Therefore it is ideal for application powered by a single cell battery. AS1330 provides an output current of 150mA @ 3.3V from a single cell.
■ Input Voltage Range: 0.6V to 3.0V
■ Adjustable Output Voltage Range: 1.8V to 3.3V
■ Fixed Output Voltage: 1.8V, 3.0V
■ 0.85V Low Start-Up Voltage
■ 4MHz Fixed-Frequency
■ 91% Efficiency
■ Delivers 150mA @ 3.3V (from Single AA Cell)
■ Automatic Powersave Operation for light Loads
■ Output Disconnect during Shutdown
■ Anti-Ringing Control minimizes EMI
■ Power Okay and Sense pin
■ TDFN (2x2mm) 8-pin Package
The AS1330 is ideal for space critical applications where ultra-small size is critical as in medical diagnostic equipment, hand-held instruments, digital cameras, MP3 players, GPS receivers, and PC or Memory cards.