AN720 数据手册 ( 数据表 ) - Vishay Semiconductors

Vishay Semiconductors
The Si9986 is a buffered H-bridge that will eliminate all the external discretes that are normally needed to prevent shoot-through in low-voltage brushed motor, stepper motor, and actuator applications. Key features include the following:
Buffered H-Bridge ( Rev : 2004 )
Vishay Semiconductors
Buffered H-Bridge ( Rev : 2004 )
Vishay Semiconductors
Buffered H-Bridge ( Rev : 2000 )
Vishay Semiconductors
Buffered H-Bridge ( Rev : 2004 )
Vishay Semiconductors
Buffered H-Bridge ( Rev : 2007 )
Vishay Semiconductors
Buffered H-Bridge ( Rev : 2001 )
Vishay Semiconductors
Buffered H-Bridge Driver with Integrate MOSFET
Vishay Semiconductors
Buffered H-Bridge Driver with Integrate MOSFET
Vishay Semiconductors
Buffered H-Bridge Driver with Integrate MOSFET
Vishay Semiconductors