Freescale Semiconductor
Freescale provides two different parts to migrate your current MC68HC705K1 (K1) application easily. Depending on your design, system enhancements, and cost, the MC68HC705KJ1 (KJ1) and the MC68HC805K3 (K3) provide two different migration paths.
The major differences between the KJ1 and the K3 are:
• Price
• Pinout compatibility
The KJ1 is not pin for pin the same as the K1, but it is roughly 70% the cost of the K1. Although the K3 is pin for pin the same as the K1, it is roughly 90% the cost of the K1.
This application note illustrates the differences between the K1 and the
KJ1. Using the KJ1’s additional features can further enhance your
system design. Consult the K1 and KJ1 databooks for detailed design
reference. See References/Additional Reading in this application
note.es between the K1 and the KJ1. Using the KJ1’s additional features can further enhance your system design. Consult the K1 and KJ1 databooks for detailed design reference. See References/Additional Reading in this application note.