Analog Devices
The ADuM2210/ADuM22111 are 2-channel digital isolators based on Analog Devices, Inc., iCoupler® technology. Combining high speed CMOS and monolithic air core transformer technology, these isolation components provide outstanding performance characteristics that are superior to alternatives such as optocoupler devices.
High isolation voltage: 5000 V rms
Enhanced system-level ESD performance per IEC 61000-4-x
Low power operation
5 V operation
1.6 mA per channel maximum at 0 Mbps to 1 Mbps
3.7 mA per channel maximum at 10 Mbps
3.3 V operation
1.4 mA per channel maximum at 0 Mbps to 1 Mbps
2.4 mA per channel maximum at 10 Mbps
Bidirectional communication
3.3 V/5 V level translation
High temperature operation: 125°C
Default low output
High data rate: dc to 10 Mbps (NRZ)
Precise timing characteristics
3 ns maximum pulse width distortion
3 ns maximum channel-to-channel matching
High common-mode transient immunity: >25 kV/μs
16-lead SOIC wide body package version (RW-16)
16-lead SOIC wide body enhanced creepage version (RI-16)
Safety and regulatory approvals (RI-16 package)
UL recognition: 5000 V rms for 1 minute per UL 1577
CSA Component Acceptance Notice 5A
IEC 60601-1: 250 V rms (reinforced)
IEC 60950-1: 400 V rms (reinforced)
VDE Certificate of Conformity
DIN V VDE V 0884-10 (VDE V 0884-10):2006-12
VIORM = 846 V peak
Qualified for automotive applications
General-purpose, high voltage, multichannel isolation
Medical equipment
Power supplies
RS-232/RS-422/RS-485 transceiver isolation
Hybrid electric vehicles, battery monitors, and motor drives