Analog Devices
The ADL5511 is an RF envelope and TruPwr™ rms detector. The envelope output voltage is presented as a voltage that is proportional to the envelope of the input signal. The rms output voltage is independent of the peak-to-average ratio of the input signal.
Envelope tracking RF detector with output proportional to
input voltage
Separate TruPwr rms output
No balun or external tuning required
Excellent temperature stability
Input power dynamic range of 47 dB
Input frequency range from dc to 6 GHz
130 MHz envelope bandwidth
Envelope delay: 2 ns
Single-supply operation: 4.75 V to 5.25 V
Supply current: 21.5 mA
Power-down mode: 130 µW
RMS power and envelope detection of W-CDMA, CDMA2000,
LTE, and other complex waveforms
Drain modulation based power amplifier linearization
Power amplifier linearization employing envelope-tracking