Analog Devices
The ADL5358 uses a highly linear, doubly balanced, passive mixer core along with integrated RF and local oscillator (LO) balancing circuitry to allow single-ended operation. The ADL5358 incorporates the RF baluns, allowing for optimal performance over a 500 MHz to 1700 MHz RF input frequency range. Performance is optimized for RF frequencies from 500 MHz to 1200 MHz using a high-side LO and RF frequencies from 1200 MHz to 1700 MHz using a low-side LO. The balanced passive mixer arrangement provides good LO-to-RF leakage, typically better than −20 dBm, and excellent intermodulation performance.
RF frequency range of 500 MHz to 1700 MHz
IF frequency range of 30 MHz to 450 MHz
Power conversion gain: 8.3 dB
SSB noise figure of 9.9 dB
SSB noise figure with 5 dBm blocker of 23 dB
Input IP3 of 25.2 dBm
Input P1dB of 10.6 dBm
Typical LO drive of 0 dBm
Single-ended, 50 Ω RF and LO input ports
High isolation SPDT LO input switch
Single-supply operation: 3.3 V to 5 V
Exposed paddle, 6 mm × 6 mm, 36-lead LFCSP
Cellular base station receivers
Transmit observation receivers
Radio link downconverters