Analog Devices
The AD9549 provides synchronization for many systems including synchronous optical networks (SONET/SDH). The AD9549 generates an output clock, synchronized to one of two external input references. The external references may contain significant time jitter, also specified as phase noise. Using a digitally controlled loop and holdover circuitry, the AD9549 continues to generate a clean (low jitter), valid output clock during a ‘loss of reference’ condition, even when both references have failed.
The AD9549 operates over an industrial temperature range, spanning -40°C to +85°C.
Flexible Reference Inputs
Input frequencies 8 kHz to 750 MHz
Two reference inputs
Loss of Reference indicators
Auto and Manual Holdover modes
Auto and Manual Switchover modes
Smooth A to B phase transition on outputs
Excellent stability in holdover mode
Programmable 16+1-bit Input Divider, R
Differential HSTL Clock Output
Output frequencies to 750 MHz
Low Jitter clock doubler for frequencies > 400 MHz
Single-ended CMOS output; frequencies < 50MHz
Programmable Digital Loop Filter (< 1 Hz to ~100 kHz)
High Speed Digitally Controlled Oscillator (DCO) core
DDS with integrated 14 bit DAC
Excellent Dynamic Performance
Programmable 16+1-bit Feedback Divider, S
Software controlled power-down
64-lead LFCSP package
Network Synchronization
Reference Clock Jitter Cleanup
SONET/SDH Clocks up to OC-192, Including FEC
Stratum 3/3E Reference Clocks
Wireless Base Stations, Controllers
Cable Infrastructure
Data Communications