Analog Devices
The AD8016 high output current dual amplifier is designed for the line drive interface in Digital Subscriber Line systems such as ADSL, HDSL2, and proprietary xDSL systems. The drivers are capable, in full-bias operation, of providing 24.4 dBm output power into low resistance loads, enough to power a 20.4 dBm line, including hybrid insertion loss.
xDSL line driver that features full ADSL central office (CO) Performance on ±12 V supplies
Low power operation
±5 V to ±12 V voltage supply
12.5 mA/amp (typical) total supply current
Power reduced keep alive current of 4.5 mA/amp
High output voltage and current drive
IOUT = 600 mA
40 V p-p differential output voltage RL = 50 Ω, VS = ±12 V
Low single-tone distortion
–75 dBc @ 1 MHz SFDR, RL = 100 Ω, VOUT = 2 V p-p
MTPR = –75 dBc, 26 kHz to 1.1 MHz, ZLINE = 100 Ω, PLINE = 20.4 dBm
High Speed
78 MHz bandwidth (–3 dB), G = +5
40 MHz gain flatness
1000 V/μs slew rate