Analog Devices
The AD7656-1/AD7657-1/AD7658-11 are reduced decoupling pin- and software-compatible versions of AD7656/AD7657/AD7658. The AD7656-1/AD7657-1/AD7658-1 devices contain six 16-/14-/12-bit, fast, low power successive approximation ADCs in a package designed on the iCMOS® process (industrial CMOS).
Pin and software compatible with AD7656/AD7657/AD7658 featuring reduced decoupling requirements
6 independent ADCs
True bipolar analog inputs
Pin-/software-selectable ranges: ±10 V, ±5 V
Fast throughput rate: 250 kSPS
iCMOS process technology
Low power 140 mW at 250 kSPS with 5 V supplies
High noise performance with wide bandwidth 88 dB SNR at 10 kHz input frequency
On-chip reference and reference buffers
High speed parallel, serial, and daisy-chain interface modes
High speed serial interface SPI/QSPI™/MICROWIRE™/DSP compatible
Standby mode: 25 μW max
64-lead LQFP
Power line monitoring and measuring systems
Instrumentation and control systems
Multiaxis positioning systems