Analog Devices
The AD713 is a quad operational amplifier, consisting of four AD711 BiFET op amps. These precision monolithic op amps offer excellent dc characteristics plus rapid settling times, high slew rates, and ample bandwidths.
AC performance
1 μs settling to 0.01% for 10 V step
20 V/μs slew rate
0.0003% total harmonic distortion (THD)
4 MHz unity gain bandwidth
DC performance
1.5 mV maximum offset voltage
8 μV/°C typical drift
150 V/mV minimum open-loop gain
2 μV p-p typical noise, 0.1 Hz to 10 Hz
True 14-bit accuracy
Single version: AD711, dual version: AD712
Available in 16-lead SOIC, 14-lead PDIP and CERDIP
Active filters
Quad output buffers for 12- and 14-bit DACs
Input buffers for precision ADCs
Photo diode preamplifier applications