Analog Devices
The AD606 is a complete, monolithic logarithmic amplifier using a 9-stage “successive-detection” technique. It provides both logarithmic and limited outputs. The logarithmic output is from a three-pole post-demodulation low-pass filter and provides a loadable output voltage of +0.1 V dc to +4 V dc. The logarithmic scaling is such that the output is +0.5 V for a sinusoidal input of –75 dBm and +3.5 V at an input of +5 dBm; over this range the logarithmic linearity is typically within ±0.4 dB. All scaling parameters are proportional to the supply voltage.
The AD606 can operate above and below these limits, with reduced linearity, to provide as much as 90 dB of conversion range. A second low-pass filter automatically nulls the input offset of the first stage down to the submicrovolt level. Adding external capacitors to both filters allows operation at input frequencies as low as a few hertz.
Logarithmic Amplifier Performance
–75 dBm to +5 dBm Dynamic Range
≤1.5 nV/√Hz Input Noise
Usable to >50 MHz
37.5 mV/dB Voltage Output
On-Chip Low-Pass Output Filter
Limiter Performance
61 dB Output Flatness over 80 dB Range
638 Phase Stability at 10.7 MHz over 80 dB Range
Adjustable Output Amplitude
Low Power
+5 V Single Supply Operation
65 mW Typical Power Consumption
CMOS-Compatible Power-Down to 325 mW typ
<5 ms Enable/Disable Time
Ultrasound and Sonar Processing
Phase-Stable Limiting Amplifier to 100 MHz
Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI)
Wide Range Signal and Power Measurement