Analog Devices
The AD558 DACPORT® is a complete voltage-output 8-bit digital-to-analog converter, including output amplifier, full microprocessor interface and precision voltage reference on a single monolithic chip. No external components or trims are required to interface, with full accuracy, an 8-bit data bus to an analog system.
Complete 8-Bit DAC
Voltage Output–2 Calibrated Ranges
Internal Precision Bandgap Reference
Single-Supply Operation: +5 V to +15 V
Full Microprocessor Interface
Fast: 1 μs Voltage Settling to ±1/2 LSB
Low Power: 75 mW
No User Trims
Guaranteed Monotonic Over Temperature
All Errors Specified TMIN to TMAX
Small 16-Pin DIP and 20-Pin PLCC Packages
Single Laser-Wafer-Trimmed Chip for Hybrids
Low Cost
MIL-STD-883 Compliant Versions Available