Analog Devices
The AD5535B is a 32-channel, 14-bit denseDAC® with an on-chip high voltage output amplifier. This device is targeted for optical micro-electromechanical systems. The output voltage range is programmable via the REF_IN pin. The output range is 0 V to 50 V when REF_IN = 1 V, and 0 V to 200 V when REF_IN = 4 V. Each amplifier can source 550 µA, which is ideal for the deflection and control of optical MEMS mirrors.
High integration
32-channel, 14-bit denseDAC® with integrated high
voltage output amplifier
Guaranteed monotonic
Housed in 15 mm × 15 mm CSP_BGA package
Full-scale output voltage programmable from 50 V to 200 V
via reference input
550 µA drive capability
Integrated silicon diode for temperature monitoring
DSP-/microcontroller-compatible serial interface
1.2 MHz channel update rate
Asynchronous RESET facility
–10°C to +85°C temperature range
Optical microelectromechanical systems (MEMS)
Optical crosspoint switches
Micropositioning applications using piezoelectric actuators
Level setting in automotive test and measurement