Analog Devices
TheAD362isacomplete, precision 16-channel data acquisition system analoginput section in hybrid integrated circuit form. Large-scalelinear integrated circuitry, thick- and thinfilm technology andactive laser trimming givesthe AD362 extensive applications versatility alongwithfull 12-bit accuracy.
16 Single-Ended or 8 Differential Channels with Switchable Mode Control
True 12-Bit Precision: Nonlinearity ≤+0.005%
High Speed: 10µs Acquisition Time to 0.01%
Complete and Calibrated: No Additional Parts Required
Small, Reliable: 32Pin Hermetic Metal DIP
Versatile: Simple Interface to Popular Analogto Digital Converters
High Differential Input Impedance (1010Ω) and Common Mode Rejection (80dB)
Fully Protected Multiplexer Inputs