Maxwell Technologies’ 79C0408 multi-chip module (MCM) memory features a greater than 100 krad (Si) total dose tolerance, depending upon space mission. Using Maxwell Technol ogies’ patented radiation-hardened RAD-PAK® MCM packaging technology, the 79C0408 is the first radiation-hard ened 4 Megabit MCM EEPROM for space applications. The 79C0408 uses four 1 Megabit high-speed CMOS die to yield a 4 Megabit product. The 79C0408 is capable of in-system electrical Byte and Page programmability. It has a 128 bytes Page Programming function to make its erase and write operations faster. It also features Data Polling and a Ready/Busy signal to indicate the completion of erase and programming operations.
Maxwell Technologies' patented RAD-PAK® packaging technology incorporates radiation shielding in the microcircuit package. It eliminates the need for box shielding while providing the required radiation shielding for a lifetime in orbit or space mission. In a GEO orbit, the RAD-PAK® package provides greater than 100 krad (Si) radiation dose tolerance. This product is available with screening up to Class K.
• Four 128k x 8-bit EEPROMs MCM
• RAD-PAK® radiation-hardened against natural space radiation
• Total dose hardness:
- > 100 krad (Si), depending upon space mission
• Excellent Single Event Effects
- SEL > 120 MeV/mg/cm2
- SEU > 90 MeV/mg/cm2 read mode
- SEU = 18 MeV/mg/cm2 write mode
• Package:
• - 40 pin RAD-PAK® flat pack
• - 40 pin X-Ray PakTM flat pack
• - 40 pin Rad-Tolerant flat pack
• High speed:
- 120, 150, and 200 ns maximum access times available
• Data Polling and Ready/Busy signal
• Software data protection
• Write protection by RES pin
• High endurance
- 10,000 erase/write (in Page Mode),
- 10 year data retention
• Page write mode: 1 to 128 byte page
• Low power dissipation
- 80 mW/MHz active mode
- 440 µ W standby mode