74AC11828 数据手册 ( 数据表 ) - Philips Electronics

Philips Electronics
The 74AC/ACT11828 high-performance CMOS devices combine very high speed and high output drive comparable to the most advanced TTL families.
• 3-State buffers
• Output capability: ±24 mA
• CMOS (AC) and TTL (ACT) voltage level inputs
• 50Ω incident wave switching
• Center-pin VCC and ground configuration to minimize high-speed switching noise
• ICC category: MSI
10-wide buffer/line driver (3-State)
Philips Electronics
10-bit buffer/line driver, non-inverting (3-State)
Philips Electronics
10-bit buffer/line driver, non-inverting (3-State) ( Rev : 2004 )
Philips Electronics
Quad buffer/line driver; 3-state
Nexperia B.V. All rights reserved
Quad buffer/line driver; 3-state
Philips Electronics
Quad buffer/line driver; 3-state
Philips Electronics
Quad buffer/line driver (3-State)
Philips Electronics
Octal buffer/line driver; 3-state
Nexperia B.V. All rights reserved
Octal buffer/line driver; 3-state
NXP Semiconductors.
Octal buffer/line driver; 3-state
NXP Semiconductors.