TDK Corporation
The 73K222AU is a compact, high-performance modem which includes a 8250A/16C450 compatible UART with the 1200 bit/s modem function on a single chip. Based on the 73K222L 5V low power CMOS modem IC, the 73K222AU is the perfect modem/UART component for integral modem applications. It is ideal for applications such as portable terminals and laptop computers.
• Modem/UART combination optimized for integral bus applications
• Includes features of 73K222L single-chip modem
• Fully compatible 16C450/8250 UART with 8250B or 8250A selectable interrupt emulation
• High speed UART will interface directly with high clock rate bus with no wait states
• Single-port mode allows full modem and UART control from CPU bus, with no dedicated microprocessor required
• Dual-port mode suits conventional designs using local microprocessor for transparent modem operation
• Complete modem functions for 1200 bit/s (Bell 212A, V.22) and 0-300 bit/s (Bell 103, V.21)
• Includes DTMF generator, carrier, callprogress and precise answer-tone detectors for intelligent dialing capability
• On chip 2-wire/4-wire hybrid driver and offhook relay buffer
• Speaker output with four-level software driven volume control
• Low power CMOS (40 mW) with power down mode (15 mW)
• Operates from single +5V supply