5082-2835 数据手册 ( 数据表 ) - HP => Agilent Technologies

HP => Agilent Technologies
The 1N5711, 1N5712, 5082-2800/10/11 are passivated Schottky barrier diodes which use a patented “guard ring” design to achieve a high breakdown voltage. Packaged in a low cost
glass package, they are well suited for high level detecting, mixing, switching, gating, log or A-D converting, video detecting, frequency discriminating, sampling, and wave shaping.
• Low Turn-On Voltage As Low as 0.34 V at 1 mA
• Pico Second Switching Speed
• High Breakdown Voltage Up to 70 V
• Matched Characteristics Available
Schottky Barrier Diodes for General Purpose Applications
Avago Technologies
Schottky Barrier Diodes for General Purpose Applications
New Jersey Semiconductor
Schottky Barrier Diodes for General Purpose Applications
Avago Technologies
Silicon Schottky Barrier Diode for general purpose applications
Honey Technology
Silicon Schottky Barrier Diode for general purpose applications
Semtech Corporation
Microsemi Corporation
For General Purpose Switching Applications
Shanghai Leiditech Electronic Technology Co., Ltd
General-purpose Schottky diodes
Philips Electronics
General-purpose Schottky diodes
NXP Semiconductors.
General-purpose Schottky diodes
NXP Semiconductors.