Maxwell Technologies’ 28C010T high-density 1 Megabit(128K x 8-Bit) EEPROM microcircuit features a greater than 100 krad (Si) total dose tolerance, depending upon space mission. The 28C010T is capable of in-system electrical byte and page programmability. It has a 128-byte page programming function to make its erase and write operations faster. It also features data polling and a Ready/Busy signal to indicate the completion of erase and programming operations. In the 28C010T, hardware data protection is provided with the RES pin, in addition to noise protection on the WE signal and write inhibit on power on and off. Software data protection is implemented using the JEDEC optional standard algorithm.
• 128k x 8-bit EEPROM
• RAD-PAK® radiation-hardened against natural space radiation
• Total dose hardness:
- > 100 krad (Si), depending upon space mission
• Excellent Single Event Effects:
- No Latchup > 120 MeV/mg/cm2
- SEU > 90 MeV/mg/cm2 read mode
• Package:
- 32-pin RAD-PAK flat pack/DIP package
- JEDEC-approved byte-wide pinout
• High speed:
- 120, 150, and 200 ns maximum access times available
• High endurance:
- 10,000 erase/write (in Page Mode), 10-year data retention
• Page write mode:
- 1 to 128 bytes
• Low power dissipation
- 20 mW/MHz active (typical)
- 110 µW standby (maximum)
• Standard JEDEC package width