GHz Technology
The 1618-35 is a COMMON BASE transistor capable of providing 35 Watts of Class C, RF output power over the band 1600-1800 MHz. This transistor is designed for Microwave Broadband Class C amplifier applications. It includes Input and Output prematching and utilizes Gold metalization and diffused ballasting to provide high reliability and supreme ruggedness. The transistor uses a fully hermetic High Temperature Solder sealed package.
Maximum Power Dissipation @ 25°C 135 Watts
Maximum Voltage and Current
BVces Collector to Emitter Voltage 45 Volts
BVebo Emitter to Base Voltage 3.5 Volts
Ic Collector Current 12 A
Maximum Temperatures
Storage Temperature - 65°C to + 200 °C
Operating Junction Temperature + 200 °C