1416-100 数据手册 ( 数据表 ) - GHz Technology

GHz Technology
The 1416-100 is an internally matched, COMMON BASE transistor capable of providing 100 Watts of pulsed RF output power at one microsecond pulse width, ten percent duty factor across the band 1400-1600 MHz. This hermetically solder-sealed transistor is specifically designed for short pulse radar applications. It utilizes gold metalization and diffused emitter ballasting to provide high reliability and supreme ruggedness.
300 Watts - 50 Volts, 330µs, 10% Radar 1200 - 1400 MHz
Microsemi Corporation
300 Watts - 50 Volts, 100us, 10% Radar 1200 1400 MHz
Advanced Power Technology
300 Watts - 50 Volts, 100µs, 10% Radar 1200 - 1400 MHz
GHz Technology
500 Watts - 40 Volts, Pulsed Radar 400 - 450 MHz
GHz Technology
35 Watts, 28 Volts, Pulsed Radar 1540 - 1660 MHz
GHz Technology
300 Watts - 40 Volts, 150µs, 10% Radar 1200 - 1400 MHz
Microsemi Corporation
500 Watts - 40 Volts, Pulsed Radar 400 - 450 MHz
35 Watts, 28 Volts, Pulsed Radar 1540 - 1660 MHz
35 Watts, 28 Volts, Pulsed Radar 1540 - 1660 MHz
GHz Technology
300 Watts - 40 Volts, 150ms, 10% Radar 1200 - 1400 MHz
Advanced Power Technology