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L584 Datasheet PDF : 13 Pages
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To have a very short off time when the L584 input
goes LOW, an internal zener is available on pin 16.
This zener is used with an external divider, R8, R9,
as shown in figure 2. Suitable values can be found
from :
Vpin 16 15V + VBEQ2 + VRsense
VCQ2 Vpin 16
. R9 + R8
(VCQ2 is the voltage at the collector of Q2. VCQ2 max
is 47V if the pin 8 is used for slow recirculation as in
fig. 2).
To ensure stability, a small capacitor (about 200pF)
must be connected between the base and collector
of Q2 when pin 16 is used.
A different opportunityfor a fast off time is based on
the use of the external zener diode Dz. In this case
also the maximum Dz voltage value is 47V.
To protect the device against the positive load dump
it is necessary to connect pin 1 to VS. In this case,
if VS is higher than 32V, the device turns off Q2 and
turns on Q1. The external resistor R6 must be used
(see application circuit) to avoid that pin 8 voltage
exceeds 50V during load dump. R6 must be :
R6 >
where VDUMP is the dump voltage value and V8 :
4.75V < V8 < 47V.
For this R6 value, the minimum supply voltage VSmin
guaranteeing Q1 operation is given by :
In relation to VSmin it is no more verified Idp = 35 Iref
(typ) even if the system correct operation is com-
pletely guaranteed.
The L584 application circuit suggested in these
notes allows the use of inductive loads with the low-
est possible series resistance (compatible with con-
structional requirements) and therefore reduces no-
tably the power dissipation.
For example, an electronic injector driven from
14.4V which draws 2.4A has a series resistance of
6and dissipates 34.56W. Using this circuit a injec-
tor with a 1series resistance can be used and the
power dissipation is :
Pd = RLIL2 + VDIL (1 – σ) + Vsat IL σ + RS IL2 σ
where RL = resistance of injector = 1
VD = drop across diode, VD 1V
Vsat = saturation voltage of Q2, 1V
RS = R11 = 185m
σ = duty cycle = 20%
therefore :
Pd 5.76 + 1.92 + 0.48 + 0.21 = 8.37W
This given two advantages : the size (and cost) of
the injector is reduced and the drive current is re-
duced from 2.4A to about 0.4A.
The applicationcircuit of figure 9 isvery similar to fig-
ure 2 except that it shows the use of two supplies :
one for the control circuit, one for the power stage.

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