Thermal Shutdown Function
Thermal shutdown function detects overheating of the regulator and stops the regulator operation to protect the
device from damage. Thermal shutdown circuit stops the regulator operation if the junction temperature becomes
higher than 160°C (Typ.) and restarts the regulator operation if the junction temperature drops below 135°C (Typ.).
The regulator repeats turning on and off and creates pulse waveform until the cause of the overheating is removed.
Adjustable Output Voltage Setting
Output voltage can be adjusted by using the external divider resistors (R1, R2). By using the following equation,
the output voltage (VOUT) can be determined. The voltage which is fixed inside the IC is described as VFB.
VOUT = VFB x ((R1 + R2) / R2)
Recommended Output Voltage Range: 1.2 V ≤ VOUT ≤ 18 V
R1 I1
R2 I2 setVFB
Output Voltage Adjustment Using External Divider Resistors (R1, R2)
The minimum resistance value for a resistor (RIC) is 1 MΩ (Ta = 25°C, guaranteed by design). For better accuracy,
setting R1 << RIC reduces errors. The resistance value for a resistor (R2) should be set to 33 kΩ or lower. If the
resistance values set for R1 and R2 are larger, the impedance of the VFB pin becomes larger.
RIC could be affected by temperature; therefore, evaluate the circuit taking the actual conditions of use into account
when deciding the resistance values for R1 and R2.