PSoC® 5LP: CY8C52LP Family
Figure 2-6. Example PCB Layout for 100-pin TQFP Part for Optimal Analog Performance
3. Pin Descriptions
IDAC0. Low resistance output pin for high IDAC.
Extref0, Extref1. External reference input to the analog system.
SAR0 EXTREF, SAR1 EXTREF. External references for SAR
GPIO. General purpose I/O pin provides interfaces to the CPU,
digital peripherals, analog peripherals, interrupts, LCD segment
drive, and CapSense[6].
I2C0: SCL, I2C1: SCL. I2C SCL line providing wake from sleep
on an address match. Any I/O pin can be used for I2C SCL if
wake from sleep is not required.
I2C0: SDA, I2C1: SDA. I2C SDA line providing wake from sleep
on an address match. Any I/O pin can be used for I2C SDA if
wake from sleep is not required.
Ind. Inductor connection to boost pump.
kHz XTAL: Xo, kHz XTAL: Xi. 32.768-kHz crystal oscillator pin.
MHz XTAL: Xo, MHz XTAL: Xi. 4 to 25-MHz crystal oscillator
nTRST. Optional JTAG Test Reset programming and debug port
connection to reset the JTAG connection.
SIO. Special I/O provides interfaces to the CPU, digital
peripherals and interrupts with a programmable high threshold
voltage, analog comparator, high sink current, and high
impedance state when the device is unpowered.
SWDCK. Serial wire debug clock programming and debug port
SWDIO. Serial wire debug Input and output programming and
debug port connection.
6. GPIOs with opamp outputs are not recommended for use with CapSense.
Document Number: 001-84933 Rev. *L
TCK. JTAG test clock programming and debug port connection.
TDI. JTAG test data In programming and debug port connection.
TDO. JTAG test data out programming and debug port
TMS. JTAG test mode select programming and debug port
TRACECLK. Cortex-M3 TRACEPORT connection, clocks
TRACEDATA[3:0]. Cortex-M3 TRACEPORT connections,
output data.
SWV. Single wire viewer output.
USBIO, D+. Provides D+ connection directly to a USB 2.0 bus.
May be used as a digital I/O pin; it is powered from VDDD instead
of from a VDDIO. Pins are Do Not Use (DNU) on devices without
USBIO, D-. Provides D- connection directly to a USB 2.0 bus.
May be used as a digital I/O pin; it is powered from VDDD instead
of from a VDDIO. Pins are Do Not Use (DNU) on devices without
VBOOST. Power sense connection to boost pump.
VBAT. Battery supply to boost pump.
VCCA. Output of the analog core regulator or the input to
the analog core. Requires a 1uF capacitor to VSSA. The
regulator output is not designed to drive external circuits. Note
that if you use the device with an external core regulator
(externally regulated mode), the voltage applied to this pin
must not exceed the allowable range of 1.71 V to 1.89 V.
When using the internal core regulator, (internally regulated
mode, the default), do not tie any power to this pin. For details
see “Power System” section on page 26.
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