at its initial slew rate only until it is just above the first pin
voltage, then they will both continue down at the slew rate
of the first.
Once both sides are LOW, they will remain LOW until all
the external drivers have stopped driving LOWs. If both
sides are being driven LOW to the same value, for instance,
10 mV by external drivers, which is the case for clock
stretching and is typically the case for acknowledge, and one
side external driver stops driving that pin will rise until the
internal driver pulls it down to the offset voltage. When the
last external driver stops driving a LOW, that pin will rise up
and settle out just above the other pin, as both rise together
with a slew rate determined by the internal slew rate control
and the RC time constant. As long as the slew rate is at least
1.25 V/ms, when the pin voltage exceeds 0.6 V for the
PCA9511A, the rise time accelerator’s circuits are turned on
and the pull−down driver is turned off.
Maximum Number of Devices in Series
Each buffer adds about 0.1 V dynamic level offset at 25_C
with the offset larger at higher temperatures. Maximum
offset (Voffset) is 0.150 V with a 10 kW pull−up resistor. The
LOW level at the signal origination end (master) is
dependent upon the load, and the only specification point is
that the I2C−bus specification of 3 mA will produce VOL <
0.4 V, although if lightly loaded, the VOL may be ~0.1 V.
Assuming VOL = 0.1 V and Voffset = 0.1 V, the level after four
buffers would be 0.5 V, which is only about 0.1 V below the
threshold of the rising edge accelerator (about 0.6 V). With
great care, a system with four buffers may work, but as the
VOL moves up from 0.1 V, noise or bounces on the line will
result in firing the rising edge accelerator, thus introducing
false clock edges. Generally, it is recommended to limit the
number of buffers in series to two, and to keep the load light
to minimize the offset.
The PCA9510A (rise time accelerator is permanently
disabled) and the PCA9512A (rise time accelerator can be
turned off) are a little different with the rise time accelerator
turned off because the rise time accelerator will not pull the
node up, but the same logic that turns on the accelerator turns
the pull−down off. If the VIL is above ~0.6 V and a rising
edge is detected, the pull−down will turn off and will not turn
back on until a falling edge is detected.
Figure 3. System with 3 Buffers Connected to Common Node
Consider a system with three buffers connected to a
common node and communication between the Master and
Slave B that are connected at either end of buffer A and
buffer B in series as shown in Figure 3. Consider if the VOL
at the input of buffer A is 0.3 V and the VOL of Slave B (when
acknowledging) is 0.4 V, with the direction changing from
Master to Slave B and then from Slave B to Master. Before
the direction change, you would observe VIL at the input of
buffer A of 0.3 V and its output, the common node, is ~0.4
V. The output of buffer B and buffer C would be ~0.5 V, but
Slave B is driving 0.4 V, so the voltage at Slave B is 0.4 V.
The output of buffer C is ~0.5 V. When the Master
pull−down turns off, the input of buffer A rises and so does
its output, the common node, because it is the only part
driving the node. The common node will rise to 0.5 V before
buffer B’s output turns on, if the pull−up is strong, the node
may bounce. If the bounce goes above the threshold for the
rising edge accelerator ~0.6 V, the accelerators on both
buffer A and buffer C will fire contending with the output of
buffer B. The node on the input of buffer A will go HIGH as
will the input node of buffer C. After the common node
voltage is stable for a while, the rising edge accelerators will
turn off and the common node will return to ~0.5 V because
the buffer B is still on. The voltage at both the Master and
Slave C nodes would then fall to ~0.6 V until Slave B turned
off. This would not cause a failure on the data line as long as
the return to 0.5 V on the common node (~0.6 V at the Master
and Slave C) occurred before the data setup time. If this were
the SCL line, the parts on buffer A and buffer C would see
a false clock rather than a stretched clock, which would
cause a system error.
Propagation Delays
The delay for a rising edge is determined by the combined
pull−up current from the bus resistors and the rise time
accelerator current source and the effective capacitance on
the lines. If the pull−up currents are the same, any difference
in rise time is directly proportional to the difference in