128Mb: x4, x8, x16 Automotive SDRAM
Functional Description
Functional Description
In general, 128Mb SDRAM devices (8 Meg x 4 x 4 banks, 4 Meg x 8 x 4 banks, and 2 Meg x
16 x 4 banks) are quad-bank DRAM that operate at 3.3V and include a synchronous in-
terface. All signals are registered on the positive edge of the clock signal, CLK. Each of
the x4’s 33,554,432-bit banks is organized as 4096 rows by 2048 columns by 4 bits. Each
of the x8’s 33,554,432-bit banks is organized as 4096 rows by 1024 columns by 8 bits.
Each of the x16’s 33,554,432-bit banks is organized as 4096 rows by 512 columns by 16
Read and write accesses to the SDRAM are burst-oriented; accesses start at a selected
location and continue for a programmed number of locations in a programmed se-
quence. Accesses begin with the registration of an ACTIVE command, followed by a
READ or WRITE command. The address bits registered coincident with the ACTIVE
command are used to select the bank and row to be accessed (BA0 and BA1 select the
bank, A[11:0] select the row). The address bits (x4: A[9:0], A11; x8: A[9:0]; x16: A[8:0]) reg-
istered coincident with the READ or WRITE command are used to select the starting
column location for the burst access.
Prior to normal operation, the SDRAM must be initialized. The following sections pro-
vide detailed information covering device initialization, register definition, command
descriptions, and device operation.
PDF: 09005aef84baf515
128mb_x4x8x16_ait-aat_sdram.pdf - Rev. C 1/14 EN
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