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RTODW17004 查看數據表(PDF) - Dialight Corporation

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Dialight Corporation 
RTODW17004 Datasheet PDF : 8 Pages
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Industrial Applications | Area Light
Hazardous Locations Ratings
Fixed and portable fixtures for installation and use in hazardous (classified) locations Class I, Divisions 1 and 2,
Groups A, B, C, and D; Class II, Division 1, Groups E, F, and G; Class II, Division 2, Groups F and G; and Class III,
Divisions 1 and 2, in accordance with the National Electrical Code, NFPA 70
The classes define the general nature of hazardous material in the surrounding atmosphere.
Class I
Class II
Class III
Hazardous Material in Surrounding Atmosphere
Hazardous because flammable gases or vapors are present in the air in quantities sufficient to produce explosive or ignitable mixtures.
Hazardous because combustible or conductive dusts are present.
Hazardous because ignitable fibers or flying’s are present, but not likely to be in suspension in sufficient quantities to produce ignitable
mixtures. Typical wood chips, cotton, flax and nylon. Group classifications are not applied to this class.
The division defines the probability of hazardous material being present in an ignitable concentration in the surrounding
Division 1
Division 2
Presence of Hazardous Material
The substance referred to by class is present during normal conditions.
The substance referred to by class is present only in abnormal conditions, such as a container failure or system breakdown.
The group defines the hazardous material in the surrounding atmosphere.
Group A
Group B
Group C
Group D
Group E
Group F
Group G
Hazardous Material in Surrounding Atmosphere
Hydrogen, fuel and combustible process gases containing more than 30% hydrogen by volume or gases of equivalent hazard such as
butadiene, ethylene, oxide, propylene oxide and acrolein.
Carbon monoxide, ether, hydrogen sulfide, morphline, cyclopropane, ethyl and ethylene or gases of equivalent hazard.
Gasoline, acetone, ammonia, benzene, butane, cyclopropane, ethanol, hexane, methanol, methane, vinyl chloride, natural gas, naph-
tha, propane or gases of equivalent hazard.
Combustible metal dusts, including aluminum, magnesium and their commercial alloys or other combustible dusts whose particle size,
abrasiveness and conductivity present similar hazards in connection with electrical equipment.
Carbonaceous dusts, carbon black, coal black, charcoal, coal or coke dusts that have more than 8% total entrapped volatiles or dusts
that have been sesitized by other material so they present an explosion hazard.
Flour dust, grain dust, flour, starch, sugar, wood, plastic and chemicals.

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