Chapter 3: Memory Blocks in the Cyclone III Device Family
Memory Modes
Asynchronous Clear
The Cyclone III device family supports asynchronous clears for read address registers,
output registers, and output latches only. Input registers other than read address
registers are not supported. When applied to output registers, the asynchronous clear
signal clears the output registers and the effects are immediately seen. If your RAM
does not use output registers, you can still clear the RAM outputs using the output
latch asynchronous clear feature.
1 Asserting asynchronous clear to the read address register during a read operation
might corrupt the memory content.
Figure 3–6 shows the functional waveform for the asynchronous clear feature.
Figure 3–6. Output Latch Asynchronous Clear Waveform
aclr at latch
1 You can selectively enable asynchronous clears per logical memory using the
Quartus II RAM MegaWizard™ Plug-In Manager.
f For more information, refer to the Internal Memory (RAM and ROM) User Guide.
There are three ways to reset registers in the M9K blocks:
■ Power up the device
■ Use the aclr signal for output register only
■ Assert the device-wide reset signal using the DEV_CLRn option
Memory Modes
Cyclone III device family M9K memory blocks allow you to implement
fully-synchronous SRAM memory in multiple modes of operation. Cyclone III device
family M9K memory blocks do not support asynchronous (unregistered) memory
M9K memory blocks support the following modes:
■ Single-port
■ Simple dual-port
■ True dual-port
■ Shift-register
December 2011 Altera Corporation
Cyclone III Device Handbook
Volume 1