Revisions List
Revision No Description
Preliminary draft
1. Correct the extra OTP sector from 256 bytes to 512 bytes in 2008/03/10
page 1 and 22.
2. Correct the OTP sector is mapping to sector from 255 to 511
in page 22.
3. Update the Table 6. Status Register Bit Locations in page 12.
4. Modify the Figure 17 in page 20 for the starting point of tRES2
5. Modify the Figure 18 in page 21
(1) revise the manufacture ID to 1Ch
(2) the number of clock count to cover the manufacture ID
should be 31 to 38 and the last clock to clock out device ID is
6. Modify the Figure 19 in page 22, the clock count to cover the
device ID should be from 15 to 31
7. Change Table 10. 100MHz AC Characteristics tCLQV from 6 ns
to 8 ns in page 25
Remove C grade option of temperature range in page 1 and 2008/06/23
page 34
This Data Sheet may be revised by subsequent versions 35 ©2004 Eon Silicon Solution, Inc.,
or modifications due to changes in technical specifications.
Rev. C, Issue Date: 2008/06/23