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AN826 Datasheet PDF : 14 Pages
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required. Care should be taken in selecting low toler-
ance values as the price of the crystal will increase. The
product design engineer should select the crystal fre-
quency tolerance that meets the radio frequency regu-
lations at the price point desired for the product.
What temperature stability is needed?
This is the allowable frequency plus and minus devia-
tion over a specified temperature range. It is specified
in parts per million (PPM) referenced to the measured
frequency at +25 degrees C.
Temperature stability depends on the application of the
product. If a wide temperature stability is required, it
should be communicated to the crystal manufacturer.
What temperature range will be required?
Temperature range refers to the operating temperature
range. Do not confuse this with temperature stability.
Which enclosure (holder) do you desire?
There are many crystal enclosures to choose from. You
can select a surface mount or leaded enclosure. Con-
sult with the crystal manufacturer about your product
needs. Bear in mind that the smaller the enclosure, the
higher the cost. Also, the smaller the enclosure the
higher the series resistance. Series resistance
becomes an issue because it lowers the loop gain of
the oscillator. This can result in oscillator not starting or
stopping over a wide temperature range.
What load capacitance (CL) do you require?
This is the capacitance the crystal will see in the circuit
and operate at the specified frequency. Load capaci-
tance is required for parallel resonant crystals. It is not
specified for series resonant crystals.
What shunt capacitance (C0) do you require?
Shunt capacitance contributes to the oscillator circuit
capacitance. Therefore, it has to be taken into account
for circuit operation (starting and steady-state) and pul-
Is pullability required?
Pullability refers to the change in frequency in the area
of usual parallel resonance. It is important if the crys-
tal is going to be tuned (pulled) over a specific but nar-
row frequency range. The amount of pullability
exhibited by a crystal at the specified load capacitance
(CL) is a function of shunt capacitance (C0) and
motional capacitance (C1).
This specification is important for the rfPIC12C509AF
device in FSK mode. The crystal is pulled between two
operating frequencies by switching capacitance in and
out of the oscillator circuit. If pullability is not specified,
there will be a hazard of tuning the crystal out of its
operating range of frequencies.
What motional capacitance (C1) do you require?
Motional capacitance is required if the crystal is going
to be tuned (pulled) in the circuit.
It is interesting to note that motional inductance (L1) is
normally not specified. Instead it is inferred from the
crystal’s series resonant frequency (fa) and motional
capacitance (C1). Simply plug in the values into the
crystal series resonant frequency and solve for L1.
What Equivalent Series Resistance (ESR) is required?
Typically specified as a maximum resistance in ohms.
Recall this is the resistance the crystal exhibits at its
operating frequency. Do not confuse ESR with motional
resistance (R0). A lower ESR requires a lower drive
level and vice versa. A danger exists in specifying too
high an ESR where the oscillator will not operate.
What drive level is required?
The quartz crystal is driven by the oscillator amplifier
and will dissipate heat. Drive level is the amount of
power the quartz crystal will have to dissipate in the
oscillator circuit. It is specified in milli- or microwatts.
The quartz crystal can only stand a finite amount of cur-
rent drive. The product design engineer must ensure
the quartz crystal is not overdriven or failure of the crys-
tal will result.
Drive level should be maintained at the minimum levels
necessary for oscillator start-up and maintain steady-
state operation. The design engineer should specify
the drive level required by the device and ensure that
crystal is not overdriven by measuring the current flow
in the oscillator loop. Make certain that the current drive
does not exceed the drive level specified by the crystal
Once the crystal has been specified and samples
obtain, product testing can begin. The final product
should be tested at applicable temperature and voltage
ranges. Ensure the oscillator starts and maintains oscil-
lation. Include in the evaluation component and manu-
facturing variations.
There is much to learn about crystals and crystal oscil-
lators, however, this Application Note can only cover
the basics of crystals and crystal oscillators in an effort
to assist the product design engineer in selecting a
crystal for their rfPICTM or PICmicro® based device.
The reader is encouraged to study more in-depth about
the design and operation of crystal oscillators because
they are such an important component in electronic
designs today. Additional reading material is listed in
the further reading and references sections of this
Application Note. The product design engineer should
also consult with the crystal manufacturer about their
product design needs.
DS00826A-page 10
© 2002 Microchip Technology Inc.

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