Figure 6. Level-diagram.
For the input section the TDA7501 generates the
internal reference voltage by multiplying the V33
voltage by 1.2575.
The V33 voltage is also buffered and fed back to
the CODEC where it is used to generate all nec-
essary references. For best performance it is rec-
ommended to filter the V33 reference pin by
means of a passive second order lowpass as
shown in figure 7 This concept allows a direct DC
coupling between the TDA7501 and the DSP
because of the accurate matching of DC levels.
On the output side the TDA7501 offers two main
Figure 7. Reference voltage generation
modes: a single supply and a dual supply mode.
Dual supply mode
In this mode the outputs are able to provide up to
4V rms with a minimum supply VCC of 12V as
well as a output reference voltage set to half of
VCC (bit D0 of the mode select byte set to ’1’). If
the switch D1/byte mode select is open the out-
put reference voltage must be defined externally
e.g. a zener diode with RC-lowpass. If the switch
is closed the reference voltage will be half of V cc
and only an external capacitor has to be added.