This datasheet contains the description of the STM8S007C8 value line features, pinout,
electrical characteristics, mechanical data and ordering information.
• For complete information on the STM8S microcontroller memory, registers and
peripherals, please refer to the STM8S and STM8A microcontroller families reference
manual (RM0016).
• For information on programming, erasing and protection of the internal Flash memory
please refer to the PM0051 (How to program STM8S and STM8A Flash program
memory and data EEPROM).
• For information on the debug and SWIM (single wire interface module) refer to the
STM8 SWIM communication protocol and debug module user manual (UM0470).
• For information on the STM8 core, please refer to the STM8 CPU programming manual
DS8633 Rev 6