Product overview
Product overview
The following section intends to give an overview of the basic features of the STM8S007C8
value line functional modules and peripherals.
For more detailed information please refer to the corresponding family reference manual
Central processing unit STM8
The 8-bit STM8 core is designed for code efficiency and performance.
It contains six internal registers which are directly addressable in each execution context, 20
addressing modes including indexed indirect and relative addressing and 80 instructions.
Architecture and registers
• Harvard architecture
• 3-stage pipeline
• 32-bit wide program memory bus - single cycle fetching for most instructions
• X and Y 16-bit index registers - enabling indexed addressing modes with or without
offset and read-modify-write type data manipulations
• 8-bit accumulator
• 24-bit program counter - 16-Mbyte linear memory space
• 16-bit stack pointer - access to a 64 K-level stack
• 8-bit condition code register - 7 condition flags for the result of the last instruction
• 20 addressing modes
• Indexed indirect addressing mode for look-up tables located anywhere in the address
• Stack pointer relative addressing mode for local variables and parameter passing
Instruction set
• 80 instructions with 2-byte average instruction size
• Standard data movement and logic/arithmetic functions
• 8-bit by 8-bit multiplication
• 16-bit by 8-bit and 16-bit by 16-bit division
• Bit manipulation
• Data transfer between stack and accumulator (push/pop) with direct stack access
• Data transfer using the X and Y registers or direct memory-to-memory transfers
DS8633 Rev 6